Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Joan Swan at Romance Worth Killing for Blog asked for us to share our "Stranger than Fiction" stories. This is the one I shared with them, and I thought I'd share it here with you as well!

Are ya ready for this, lol?

A few years back, my hubby and I were riding a four-wheeler and flipped it (my fault entirely-- I leaned with instead of against). Well, I put my hand down and my arm SNAPPED! I dislocated it at the elbow. But then, I let my arm straighten, and it POPPED right back into place.

I got to the emergency room, and the doctors didn't believe me! They sent me for X-Rays and were talking about releasing me-- with NOTHING, not even pain medicine, (though by that time, my arm was swollen to twice it's normal size and was starting to turn a brilliant purple). When they brought me back to the emergency room hospital bed (where I would stay until I got my release forms), the bed slipped away from me, and I fell...

I put my arm out to stop myself and the pressure caused it to dislocate. I was screaming bloody-murder at the pain (because I still hadn't received any pain medication) and my hubby picked me back up off the floor and sat me in a chair. (While one doctor was yelling at another doctor, "I told you that bed was broken and to get it out of here!")

As I sat back in my chair, I calmed and let my arm relax again. When it straightened, it POPPED right back into place again.

I guess I just had to prove to those people that there WAS something wrong. They immediately set about to help me, and I finally got something for pain.

As I lay there in almost blissful oblivion, the doctor actually said to me, "You know, it would've been better on you if you'd just broken your arm."

To which I replied, "I'll keep that in mind next time." (wicked giggle)

So, does anyone else have any "Stranger than Fiction" stories to share?

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